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Training grounds needed


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Hi all,

I have a new Drahthaar pup that I am working with this spring and I'm looking for some grounds to do some training. I'm basically looking for a place to expose pup to different types of cover, plant some birds, and eventually expose him to gunfire. Is there anyplace in the St. Michael-Buffalo-Monticello area that fits this description? Can I do this training at Pelican Lake?



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I was in the same dilema last year with my Drathaar. I joined NAVAHDA and went to their training grounds for a small fee. it was $15 or 20 bucks plus birds. They used Major Ave hunt CLub in Glencoe and Forrest Ridge Hunt Club in WI. I would look at their HSOforum. The club was very helpfull and your dog will get exposure to people. birds guns and dogs.Otherwise talk to the nearest game farm in your area offer them a few$ and buy all your training birds from them. There are restrictions on using land for training which is not an issue at a licensed game farm. Where did you get your Draht From?


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mwal - got Jake from Lynda Franklin in SD (vom tapferen Herzen kennel). How about yours? How was your experience with the local NAVHDA group? Shoot me an email at mrdba2u @ yahoo . com

Thanks for the input - I may end up just looking for a game farm in the area, but was hoping to find someplace cheap, easy, and close to home. Still thinking Pelican Lake may be an option for a good portion of retrieving training and some fieldwork. Just not sure about the gun training yet.

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Be aware that persons may not, by DNR regulations train hunting dogs in the field from April 16 to July 15:

http://files.dnr.state.mn.us/rlp/regulations/hunting/generalinfo.pdf except with a permit issued by the DNR.

Finding a training group or using a shooting preserve would probably be the best way to go.

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Here is an option for you maybe? I'm getting my pup next month & will be checking it out in late June.

Major Avanue Training Site

The Minnesota Chapter has again entered into a grounds use agreement with the Major Avenue Hunt Club. This agreement provides for NAVHDA members in good standing (both Chapter and International) the opportunity to train in designated areas on Major Avenue grounds one night per week.


LOCATION: Major Avenue Hunt Club, Glenco, Minnesota

DATES: Every Thursday Night (Thursdays only), beginning April 7, 2005 through July 28, 2005.

TIME: 5:00 PM until sundown.

TRAINING AREA: Tentatively set for fields and water, north and east of the kennel area.

PARKING: In designated area only. Vehicles permitted on roads and parking area. Absolutely no vehicles are

permitted in the fields.

COST: Season pass $60.00 or individual nightly fee $15.00.

Members interested in obtaining a season pass should send a $60.00 check, payable to : MN-NAVHDA

Mail check to: Joe Dolejsi

18917 Pleasantview Road

Eden Prairie, MN 55346

Any questions regarding this wonderful training opportunity should be directed to Joe at 952-934-2430.


Chris & Soon to be new addition Wirehaired Pointing Griffon

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I have some suggestions that you could use before July 15. You have the Crow Hasson park where you can walk your dog if you pay ($25/yr). You could work him here with a dummy with a wing attached. I like to find rail lines that are lightly used to walk, and you have one in St. Michael. The Crow Hassan Park is a dog park for running off leash and they do have some dog trials for pointing dogs during the summer. Good luck! P.S. Check regs for live fire at state or federal lands. Not Allowed!

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FYI - for those who are interested - I just got my annual "Dog Ranch" pass (the off-leash area) and it states that at the Crow Hassan and Lake Sarah off-leash areas you can work live birds with starter pistols. No live rounds and you can't kill the birds there, but you can work the dogs on birds there anyway. That's good news for a lot of us.

Thought you might wanna know.

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