I agree w/DC on this. I too believe that it is more social than biological. A while back I spoke w/George Madison, a DNR Fisheries Supervisor and asked him what he thought could be done. At that time, Madison indicated that dropping the limit to 25 would have little to no affect on the perch population of LG. Agreed... Hugonian is dead on in that majority of the harvest occurs in the soft water seasons. I personally only fish perch through the ice but have heard of guys taking TONS of perch from boats. Believe it or not, there was a time in my life that 50 perch in a day (hard water) was possible. I remember about 8 or so years ago, catching 150+ in a 2 day spam. Although this seems impossible now, it DID happen... These days, a STELLAR day for perch on LG for me would be 20. Of those 20, I would say (from my experience) 12-15 of them would be of the 12+ inch variety. So, with that said, the 5 12" or over regulation is definately going to help the trophy potential! I'm not sure that the drop from 50 to 25 makes a ton of difference but it is a step in the right direction.