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About vook

  • Birthday 01/11/1975

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  • Location:
    UP Michigan

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  1. Nope, probably not for another month or more. You? Thanks for the reply MJ. Yes, I would like to see a pic if possible, specifically of the gas fill cap area! Thanks!
  2. I was considering purchasing a medium Otter monster box for my 08 King Quad but am concerned that "wrap around" to the sides of the seat of the box may cover the gas fill cap... The fill cap is just behind and slightly offset to the left of the left side of the seat (as you're sitting). So, ultimately, I was wondering if any of you have a Otter box on your Suzuki King Quads and if so, did you have to modify anything or mount the box further back? Thanks in advance!
  3. I agree w/DC on this. I too believe that it is more social than biological. A while back I spoke w/George Madison, a DNR Fisheries Supervisor and asked him what he thought could be done. At that time, Madison indicated that dropping the limit to 25 would have little to no affect on the perch population of LG. Agreed... Hugonian is dead on in that majority of the harvest occurs in the soft water seasons. I personally only fish perch through the ice but have heard of guys taking TONS of perch from boats. Believe it or not, there was a time in my life that 50 perch in a day (hard water) was possible. I remember about 8 or so years ago, catching 150+ in a 2 day spam. Although this seems impossible now, it DID happen... These days, a STELLAR day for perch on LG for me would be 20. Of those 20, I would say (from my experience) 12-15 of them would be of the 12+ inch variety. So, with that said, the 5 12" or over regulation is definately going to help the trophy potential! I'm not sure that the drop from 50 to 25 makes a ton of difference but it is a step in the right direction.
  4. FYI, it is now official that the daily bag limit regs for perch on LG has changed to 25 (from 50) and no more than five 12" or greater in length. This change takes effect April 1 of 2012. Better late than never... Just thought I'd pass this on.
  5. Not to be a dark cloud but I will give a little report: The DNR creel census dude was out on the lake on Sunday and I had a change to talk w/him for a bit. That said, he told me that he interviewed 76 anglers on Saturday and of those 76, they reported a total of 2 perch caught... Ouch! Also, there was a tournament on Saturday - 122 entrants, ZERO perch! Yep, I said zero! It's been brutal, the worst year I've ever seen! Sunday I ended up w/3 in about 6 hours. I talked to a few guys who know the lake, are good perch fishermen, moved 6 plus times and they never marked a fish all day! Hopefully things change...
  6. Joe, Yes, there are some spots that you can walk out to fairly easily. Alot of the places people fish historically and are considered "good" areas are those that can be easily reached imo... Alot of guys fish out in front of the Gogebic Lodge, East shore launch, and Fishtales Resort... You can park (free) at the launch or take a chance and park in the resort parking lots too. If you choose to park in the resort lots, it's obviously a good idea to patronize their place for lunch or a drink afterwards. All 3 of the above are about 1/4 mile +/- walk out... Report you ask? Well, I've yet to get out this year but am planning for this upcoming Saturday. Lot's of snow lately (probably 40" in the last 2 weeks)!
  7. I've got a 750 KQ w/a Cycle Country 60"er (state plow) and I live in the UP of Michigan... That said, I assume I get more snow than you do?? I have a 1000 ft. driveway and went all of the year before last w/out using my plow truck. I thought about putting chains on but was told that there would be issues of snapping axles due to the amount of low-end torque. The plow has held up great and I beat the hell out of it! I would recommend it for sure!
  8. Off the top of my head you have about $900 +/- into it? So, if it's 3 years old... I guess if it were me I'd ask $750 and settle at $700 if offered.
  9. 2008 KQ 750 SE. Thought this was a cool pic!
  10. Here's a report from a resort on the lake.. Hard to believe... Lake Gogebics ice conditions are great! Despite warm temps, travel is good. Both snowmobile and atv`s are being used. Most slush and water has drained off the ice and shorelines are still firm. Expect 18-20 inches of ice. Perch activity is still hit and miss with a few good reports, but very few anglers are out.Most are staying on the move to locate active fish. Gamefish season is now closed so perch will be the primary target as long as the ice stays with us. As always please check locally anywhere you are planning to venture onto the ice as conditions change quickly this time of year!!!!!! Be safe and best of luck! - Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at 08:56:02 (PDT
  11. Piggy!! I can say (modestly) that I've got that one beat atleast 3 times over but thats in Michigan... I'll work on beating the MI state record - 3.75 lbs!!!! Hahaha, I won't hold my breath!
  12. Rough conditions... Fishing may be done for the year for me..
  13. I just found out that the Hog-a-thon is offically canceled for this year. Man, this sucks! (Long range forecast coupled w/the recent warm weather killed it)... Next weekend will probably be the last time the ice will be fishable imo... Don't worry though, you aren't missing much!
  14. Ken, what days are you planning on coming up? I'll probably be able to (and actually want to) get out there more this month. Let me know and maybe we can get together. I believe you still have my cell # right?
  15. Thanks for the reply. No, it doesn't run any more than usual and he house doesn't feel any warmer... Like I said, it's the first winter this has happened. I guess my best bet is probably to eat it this winter and replace the oil furnace w/propane. Nat. gas isn't an option out here in the sticks... Digging up the tank and all that b.s. included, I'd probably be better off to buy a more efficient propane furnace and just go that route I guess.
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