Hi, I have a Honeywell Chronotherm IV model T8600 thermostat in my house that is starting to give me problems. It is the master for a 3 zone system. The other two are a smaller model and have no issues. For the last couple of weeks it has been resetting itself to 1:00 pm , the time doesn't move from there and the display keeps blinking. When it does this it ignores the "sleep" and "wake" settings but kicks the heat on at the normal "wake" setting. This happens about every other day now. Now it has also started a new trick in addition to the first. The display goes completely blank, no buttons work and the heat comes on and never shuts off. The only way to make it stop is to disconnect the thermostat completely from the wall base, plug it back in and reprogram. It has done this twice in the last week. I see no loose wires at the thermostat or the control panel in the basement or anything else - it is hardwired so no batteries. Any ideas before I drop $100+ on a new thermostat? Thanks