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IT Guy

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About IT Guy

  • Birthday 01/05/1965

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  • Location:
    Elk River, MN

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  1. Maybe this will help - I have a 2006 Armada with 87K miles on it. We bought it new and did not get the extended warranty. I have had zero problems with it since day one. It rides and drives great and will pull a house. I tow my 5,000 pound boat all over MN and WI and love the vehicle. I picked up a 2011 Tahoe 3 months ago - the Tahoe ride is much smoother than the Armada but I have much less storage capacity, towing capacity and clearance. It seems like the Armada gets better gas milage that the Tahoe. Around town the Tahoe is better. For the big trips with the boat I would the Armada any day of the week.
  2. I have a interesting thing start happening with the tilt / trim indicator on my 2006 Larson deck boat. Was working fine until this weekend. With the lower unit trimmed all the was down the trim / tilt indicator needle starts bouncing from fully trimmed up to fully trimmed down when the motor is started. After about 20 seconds of bouncing around it settles in to where it should be and then all is fine until you shut down and restart and it all starts over again. Sometimes after starting the gauge will show the lower unit is halfway down for about 10 seconds then the needle goes to where it should be even though the lower unit is fully down the entire time. Any ideas on where to start trouble shooting this fun thing? Thanks!
  3. Thanks for the advice - has anyone tried these? Cabela's Gore-Tex Pinnacle 2 in 1
  4. Any recommendations for waterproof warm winter gloves? My pair took a ride on the bumper last year and bailed before I got home. Thanks!
  5. Browning A-5 Light 20 gauge for grouse. Browning A-12 Light 12 gauge for pheasant. Sometimes a Browning 22 semi-auto for grouse.
  6. Has anyone out there used the 303 Aerospace Protectant product instead of wax on their fiberglass boat? It says on their HSOforum that it can be used on / and restores fiberglass/gelcoat and am wondering how it has worked for you. I use it for the vinyl now and it works great. Thanks!
  7. I will give that a shot - thanks.
  8. Nope - This is the master thermostat that is having the issues. The other 2 are different, not programable and will not fit the wall plate connections.
  9. Hi, I have a Honeywell Chronotherm IV model T8600 thermostat in my house that is starting to give me problems. It is the master for a 3 zone system. The other two are a smaller model and have no issues. For the last couple of weeks it has been resetting itself to 1:00 pm , the time doesn't move from there and the display keeps blinking. When it does this it ignores the "sleep" and "wake" settings but kicks the heat on at the normal "wake" setting. This happens about every other day now. Now it has also started a new trick in addition to the first. The display goes completely blank, no buttons work and the heat comes on and never shuts off. The only way to make it stop is to disconnect the thermostat completely from the wall base, plug it back in and reprogram. It has done this twice in the last week. I see no loose wires at the thermostat or the control panel in the basement or anything else - it is hardwired so no batteries. Any ideas before I drop $100+ on a new thermostat? Thanks
  10. Jim - thanks, I'll take a phone number. Caughtacase73 - thanks for the info. Any other local ideas?
  11. Soderblooms! They did mine this past Spring. It took about a week and turned out great.
  12. Hey Everyone, Does anyone have experience with any companies in the Elk River area regarding putting up gutters? Good or bad - I am looking for who to avoid and who to call. Thanks!
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