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Everything posted by bigbee13

  1. Got to go out today for a couple of hours and caught a bunch of smaller ones however did get my PB of 5Lb 2oz. Caught him on a Gulp Alive Nightcrawler. Was using both nightcrawlers/leeches and they were hitting good for us. My son caught a few smaller ones also.
  2. Hello, I am rather new to the area(I am lerning though), got here in late Feb. I want to take my kids to do some carp fishing, so they can get some practice working a larger fish. We live in White Bear Lake and would like to find a place that we will catch some carp, wife wants to try also. The lake we fish in by our house has no carp, however the bass and northern has been fun. getting old with the bluegill also for them. Would like something kinda close, no more than a half hour drive, and have enough room for 4 people fishing. I just really want them to see some action. Thanks in advance
  3. Hello, I am rather new to the area, moved here in late February. I am getting more and more into the fishing so I figured I should start posting more on here. By the way this is a fantastic board, with a ton of information. I truly love it here. Enough of all this, here are a few pics from the past few days, they were caught on nightcrawler and leech with a slip bobber, and a jig with a mister twister grub.
  4. Thank you all for the posts and information. I see I have some work to do, to get ready for this season. I will have to get new stuff as what I have now will work for some light fishing however not for going after the cats. UncleKes and FFaL, thanks for the offers and we will have to get together for coffee. I will be 39 next month, been married for 13 years and I am a Firefighter: My wife is used to me running off for many hours at a time and coming home all stinky!! I look forward to learning a lot and catching some BIG fish, well bigger than what I am used too anyways. Thanks again Brian
  5. Hello, I or should I say my family and I have just relocated from Pennsylvania to White Bear Lake. We have been here going on three weeks now and just love it. I am getting a little anxious to do some fishing. I have done some cat fishing(if you want to call it that), as I have never caught anything like what most of you have caught(all I can say is WOW). My tackle that I currently have is pretty lite compared to what you guys use, so any and all suggestions on what I should get would greatly be appreciated. Any thoughts or suggestions on where I should go would also be very appreciated since I have no clue what so ever on where to go. I live right next to birch lake however I would assume that is not the best place to go cattin, lol. This has been a big move for us and so far it does seem like we should have done it sooner. Our 2 children love the school and have adapted well, wife works at st. Joseph's hospital as a ICU/CCU RN, and I am an EMT/Firefighter, going to work at same hospital in the ER and going to apply at the fire department. Everything is working out just great, I Just need to learn the area and start fishing. Thank you in advance for all your suggestions and help and I am glad to be a part of MN.
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