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Bleeding Pike


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How bad a sign is it when pike are bleeding?

I hooked a nice pike on the tip-up last night on a small lake that I generally don't want to take any fish out of. This fellow wasn't huge, but he was 25-30 inches. Now, I didn't want to take this fish out of a 25 acre lake, but by the time I got the hook out he was bleeding all over the ice. I felt bad, I hope I didn't kill a decent-size pike in a small lake...but his chances of survival would have been a lot worse if I'd've taken the filet knife to him!

It didn't appear that I hit anything vital, just in the bottom of the mouth, & the hook came out easily. I released him, but spent the rest of the evening wondering if he was done for...& should I just have kept him so he didn't end up floating under the ice.

I know pike are tough, but if I'm going to kill a fish I don't want it going to waste. Did the hook just hit a bad spot? Or should I have put him in the frying pan?

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If the fish wasn't out of the water in sub zero temps for a prolong time it should be fine.

Most likely the blood was from ruptured vessels in the fins or gills.

Cold is a killer so put them back as fast as you can.

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Some time ppl really need to look at the big picture and see if that hook is really worth sitting there and ripping on it and making the fish bleed. Cut the line as close and u get bet to the hook and let the fish go. The hook will fall out over time!!! Like the rest of the have send the long you sit there and holding the fish and trying to get your hook, lessens the chance of that fish living!!!

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Central bassman, please read the rest of the post. The hook popped right out.

rash & spear, thanks for the point of view. I figured I just hit him in a bad place, & he took off like a shot, but he wasn't out of the water for more than 60 seconds or so, long enough for me to fumble out the pliers & mouth-opener & get his toothy maw open. Can't do anything about him, but I wanted to some opinions for future reference!

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