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Live vs Fake Bait(s)

Tyler Holm

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I’ve done some fairly extensive testing in this arena over the past several years. Just like anything else, each product/bait has is pros and cons and that’s what I’d like to address with this thread. Also note that most of my testing as atop hard water, but input hard or soft water is welcome.

I’m going to keep this discussion between live bait (worm style) and Berkley products (Gulp and PowerBait) as that’s where I’ve done most of my experimenting. I’m also aware of the multitudes of plastics on the market, but let’s talk situations where some meat is needed. Lots of variables to think about here, and it all depends on the mood of the fish, but generally speaking here is what I’ve found.

Berkley Gulp:

I use the gulp maggots (they come in a plastic jar) in the pink and white colors. This is not my goto bait, but I bring them along as a backup solution when the live bait runs out. One thing I would note, is that sometimes when your on a pod of fish and the bite slows on live bait, you can drop one of these down there and the bite is back on (sometimes replaces changing your lure). I’ve found the pink to work better at night and the white to work better during the day. These tend to stay on the hook equally as well as live bait, if not a little better. These have prolonged several fishing trips for me and they are a valuable asset to carry in my ice box.

Berkley PowerBait:

Let’s talk Power Wigglers (they come in a package). I’ve got the white ones and I occasionally throw them on with a jigging spoon when the bite is hot. They stay on the hook very well and it’s not uncommon to catch several fish without loosing the wiggler. I like this stuff, but I’ve found it to work best on a moving lure (one that is continuously jigged) as opposed to one just sitting under a bobber. My wife has outfished me on more than one occasion when I’m live bait fishing and she’s using the Power Wigglers.

Let’s talk PowerBait Honey Worms (they come in a glass jar). I’ve found good success with these on both perch and crappie. They run a little larger than both the Gulp Maggots and the Power Wigglers and they come in red (which is my favorite, especially at night). I also have put the natural colored ones to the test and found them to be effective. Again, I’ve found these to be more effective when jigged. Another trick I usually implement is to hook these in middle of the body as it seems to increase hookups on those nibbling fish.


My favorite. Clean, scent free, and easy to keep alive. These seem to attract about every species of fish. These are usually the cheapest live bait to purchase and easiest to find. I prefer these over spikes (in most cases) as you seem to catch more of those bonus fish (eyes, perch, cats, pike)

Eurolarvae (spikes \ maggots):

I use spikes when the bite is super tough, but they can be a pain to keep alive for a long while. I have done quite a little experimenting with colors, but white and red are my favorites. Again, the red seems to work better at night. These baits emit a different smell than waxies and a certainly smaller in size. When downsizing is in store, these are my goto baits. If I’m seeking gills and there’s been any fluctuation in the weather, these are about the only baits I bring with.


I haven’t used these much more than a few dozen times, but my limited experience has showed waxies and/or spikes to out-produce these (or at least be equally as good). I like the idea of these with that little tail, but there’re not readily available in every bait shop, so sometimes you have to shop around for them

As I said, there are lots of variables, but generally speaking what have you found? Feel free to elaborate on a single bait as well as include any additional ones on the market.

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Have you ever tried Helgramites. Somewhat similar to a centipede, these squiglers are very successful with perch and crappies. In wisconsin we find them deep in the mud of open creeks and small rivers. Like mousies, not many bait shops carry them, but they are easy to keep alive for most the season.Do some research on them, another good choice to add to your list. These also do come in plastics which can be found in Bass Pro.

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For me for the pannies in the hard water season,I use almost 100% of the time Custom Jigs and Spins products.I dont know how I could do any better when using Ratso's and Shrimpo's with a piece of plastic.Sometimes I will tip it with a spike.

Three years ago I was almost all live bait and now its plastics and I believe I'm catching more and better sized fish.

These two baits are my go to pannie baits. cool.gifcool.gif

Another line of jigs is from Little Atom and thier Optic Stealth jig tipped with a spike can do a number on those bull gills also. smile.gif

Matt Johnson turned me onto plastics for pannies and it was the best move I have made.

One needs to fish these plastics until you get some confidence in them as they will do the job.

Almost forgot about the Scenic Tackle Go-Devils and the Custom Jigs and Spins Demon Jigging spoons.These two are crappie killers for sure.I like to tip them with a minnow head. smile.gif

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great post Tyler.

I'm still not convinced that Powerbait or Gulp! soft plastic products are the be-all, end-all baits. Berkly's claim of "outfishes live bait" I think is highly exaggerated. There are times when fish will prefer powerbait/gulp! to live bait, but I've found that those times are few and far between. These baits do have their place, however, on trips to Canada or canoe/pack trips where bringing live bait is unfeasible. However, these are not everyday one size fits all baits.

The powerbait turbo dough for trout is a very effective bait, both in soft and hard-water situations. Trout will take this bait as readily as worms, waxies, minnows (if legal). Often times, the dough will outfish any other method, including live bait.

I think waxies are a pretty tough bait to beat. Like you already mentioned, they keep well and you can catch just about any species of fish on them. A good all-around bait.

Minnows have their place. I've found that tipping my spoons with a minnow head will greatly increase my catch rate. If you're looking to catch big fish (walleyes, pike, lake trout, etc.), it can be tough going sometimes if you're not dangling a big piece of meat down there. Try fishing an angel eye/holie angel or varmit from JB Lures, or a demon jigging spoon from Custom Jigs and Spins, and tip the hook with the head of a minnow. You won't be disappointed with the results.

I've had moderate success fishing minnows with pannies. When the bite was on, they will take a minnow. When the bite is that good they will also take just about any bait. While waxies come in second for panfish bait, nothing is a better all around bait than plastics. Like Harvey Lee mentioned, any plastic from Custom Jigs and Spins products will do the job. Shrimpos, Ratsos, Ratfinkees, Nuclear Ants, they should all be in every serious panfisherman's vocabulary and tackle box. I have never seen a more effective panfish bait than the shrimpos/ratsos.

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Good post Tyler!

Although you mentioned that you'd like to stick with worm-style baits, I'd also like to throw in the Berkley 2-inch Power Minnow into the equation (right Corey wink.gif). Definitely another option for crappies under the ice.

I'm also going to experiment with Exude Micro Shad under the ice this winter. I think it's going to work well as another option for run-and-gun pannies without messing with the live-bait.

I've played around with the various Gulp and PowerBait products, but I haven't been huge fan with them under the ice. And if I had to choose Gulp or PowerBait, I would definitely choose PowerBait. I know a lot of fish have been taken on the Power Tubes and Power Minnows under the ice. Also the larger tubes for lakers and pike. I'm also going to play around with the larger Power Minnows for smallies and walleyes this winter.

I'm more of a fan of either Custom Jigs and Spins, Little-Atom, Lindy, or ISG for most of my smaller-profiled ice fishing plastics. Seem to bit the bill just right. I had a lot of success with the Size 6 and 4 Custom Jigs and Spins Ratsos. A great horizontal bait with a large options of jigging sequences. Great for both aggressive and negative fish...

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I know some guys have had a lot of luck with the gulp and power bait products under ice. I myself have not had nearly as much success with these productg ice fish. Under soft water conditions they have accounted for lots of fish for me.

For ice fishing I've had much better luck with the more supple soft finesse plastics for gills and crappies. My favorites have been the ratso and shrimpos by Custom Jigs and Spins and more recently the Nuggies by Little Atom. Both have greatly reduced my livebait use, especially various worms/grubs. I've found that the plastics frequently out fish livebait in my test. Not always, but frequently.

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Let’s talk PowerBait Honey Worms (they come in a glass jar). I’ve found good success with these on both perch and crappie. They run a little larger than both the Gulp Maggots and the Power Wigglers and they come in red (which is my favorite, especially at night). I also have put the natural colored ones to the test and found them to be effective. Again, I’ve found these to be more effective when jigged. Another trick I usually implement is to hook these in middle of the body as it seems to increase hookups on those nibbling fish.

I'm with you Tyler on the red honeyworms and the night crappie bite. I had a couple of 50 fish nights with these and the size 6 JB Glitter glo's and T-boned red honey worms. smile.gif

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I had always used live bait ice fishing. Until I read the countless posts and pictures from Corey and his 2" power minnow I had to try them. Not disappointed at all and I almost swear by them. Got crappie, walleye, and even bass on them while my buddy had a live minnow on 2 feet away and was getting nothing. I think a lively minnow can really spook em at times where the plasic can have such subtle and enticing movements on your command. I also use gulp maggots in combination with waxies. They seem to stay on better and if a fish rips off one of your waxies its buddy that was watching will pound the remaining gulp.

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The Gulp! maggots are either dead on, or just dead. I'll fish them now only as the first bait on a fresh hole, or when other baits stop producing - as someone else noted, when the bite tails off, you can sometimes send the fish back into a frenzy by dropping a Gulp! down there.

Waxies on green glow Genz Worms are the primary go-to for panfish for me, but I'm slowly coming around the Ratso's and Nuclear Ants, they are pretty amazing.

But the Chubby Darter really is impressive.

For pike and perch (and I'm hoping walleye, too, this season =) the Salmo Chubby Darter is just amazing. No minnow head tipping needed. I sight-fished perch with two Darters in 10 FOW on a rock pile, and couldn't take fish off them them quick enough. And the pike I've caught with them in soft and hard water with vertical jigging are the best of my life.

A great stand-by for me, too, is a jigging spoon or a jigging Rap tipped with a minnow head - consistent producer.

I think that to be the best ice fisherman you can be, you need to use both live and fake baits, and learn when to switch them up. If nothing else, it keeps you busy and out of trouble out on the ice. :-)

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