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About schweady

  • Birthday 07/27/1954

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    Perham, MN
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  1. Endura? Run away fast. I think that a search on this site and others will provide some sorry evidence of owners' frustrations with these units. Another happy Garmin user here. I used to use a Lowrance ExpeditionC with both LakeMaster and Navionics chips before it died a similar death. Now, am blown away by the superior level of performance of my Garmin 62st with the Upper Midwest Fishing Guide chip.
  2. Absolutely it can be done. CAMAN's response was spot on. I did it often with a cord that came with my Rapala electric filet knife -- one with the female cigarette lighter adapter on one end and alligator clips on the other. That knife also came with a cord for plugging into 120 home current that works with gps. Very handy.
  3. Unfortunately, this is the most accurate response. At the beginning of a trip, my ExpeditionC would consistently work for 1/2 hour -- or less -- and then 'Position Lost.' Hard reset, soft reset, connection to 12v source, fresh batteries, removing chip, new power cord, external antenna... all fruitless. The iFinder family units started dying a few years back and Lowrance just turned their backs on them. I've gone Garmin and couldn't be happier.
  4. I run city water until it's very cold, straight into the insulated minnow bucket, changed once a day.
  5. Make the thin wire length (not too) short and wrap electric tape around it, anchoring it all the way from the lights to your splice.
  6. I have been using the well-known cheaper version since all of the hullaballoo about them here that you mention. The firebrites come with a beefier wire to connect to your power source and ready-made clip ends. Mine came with wire the diameter of a hair, so I subbed in my own wire and female spade connectors for my 12v batteries and wound up with basically the same set-up. That said, I'm sure that if they ever do fail, I'll buy the ones from here.
  7. Yup. Just leave enough slack wire to connect to your power source and keep from pinching the cord when folding-unfolding and you're good to go. And, when I zip-tied the FireBrites to my Otter Cabin's support hoop, I left the tag ends of the ties so I didn't have any sharp stubs sticking out to rip the canvas.
  8. The HT's come in really small sizes.
  9. These are the best lights imaginable, but no FaceBook account here or desire to create one. My loss, sure, but wish all these giveaway drawings weren't done this way...
  10. What an athletic team. Really fun to watch tonight. Weakest link? Walker needs to start earning his feed.
  11. Probably the battery, which is not such a big cost to fix. Two best things I've learned to assure a reliable battery: Disconnect it when not in use. Give it a full charge after each use and every other month during the year.
  12. Here, I caught all that grief for buying so many of them a few years back. Laughs on them.
  13. Best I've used were the STABILicers Lite, but at 1/4 the price, the HT Enterprises Sure Grip Safety Treads have worked out about as well for me and available in more places. Only thing is the HT's don't provide any metal under the heel, but have plenty under the ball of your foot. I like how both of these have a strip of steel rather than the individual studs that seem to work their way out right away.
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